When you have to raise the money, close the round, or make the sale, you must get an audience to understand, to be enthralled, to act. We have been uncommonly successful at writing and creating the presentation and training the presenter to deliver when the stakes are highest.
CEOs, Executive Directors and senior management often are expected to be great public speakers and to automatically have "presence." But no one ever tells them how. We demystify public speaking through a combination of structured sessions and practice, finesse and empathy. We are great at remedial coaching, but we excel in taking experienced speakers to a whole new level.
Our most popular seminar is a two-hour session that reveals the three big secrets to really effective and memorable public speaking, the single biggest factor in being a compelling presenter, the most important thing to include in any presentation and the trick to making slides really work.
The demand for our newest offering has surprised even us, but it shouldn't have. We have all sat in countless hours of lousy meetings, and we all would like to know how to make them better. This seminar comes in two-hour, four- hour and six-hour formats and uses a combination of lecture and exercises to show how to run terrific meetings and how to deal with people and events that can derail them.
We provide group training sessions for 10-12 people at a time that teaches the basics of winning presentations while giving each attendee multiple opportunities to speak. Our usual format is six four-hour sessions, but we have customized different offerings for different companies, and we can do so for you.
Sometimes having a professional facilitator can make the difference between a so-so meeting and a great one. Our facilitators are experts in both techniques and people skills to ensure that your retreat or your board meeting is particularly productive. To make a session really effective, there is a lot of pre-meeting prep involved, so be sure to contact us a well in advance of the big day.
“Leadership is about persuasion, presentation and people skills.”